At the heart of the AEI Dry Eye Center of Excellence is a revolutionary new treatment called Lipiflow. Now, with the breakthrough LipiFlow® technology, it’s possible to treat the root cause of MGD directly.
While multiple choices are available for treating MGD, LipiFlow is the only FDA-cleared device for removing gland blockages and restoring gland function. It is the preferred method of treatment used by Abrams Eye Institute. Through advances in the application of Vectored Thermal Pulsation (VTPTM) technology, the LipiFlow treatment utilizes a patented algorithm of heat applied to the inner eyelids and massage to remove the obstructions in your meibomian glands.
Our Dye Eye technology comes from over 25 years of research into the cause of Dry Eye. We’ve completed over 25,000 treatments for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Dry Eye symptoms with our treatment, including patients in a randomized, controlled, multi-center clinical trial. The randomized, controlled trial showed statistically significant improvement, on average, for the number of Meibomian glands releasing clear liquid (oil).
Punctal Occlusion
Punctal Occlusion is a common treatment offered in our Las Vegas clinic. It treats chronic dry eyes by plugging or blocking some of a person’s small tear-draining openings, called puncta, restricting the flow of tears out of the eye and ca. This restricts the flow of tears out of the eye and causes them to pool up in the eye longer.
There are two main types of punctal occlusion: punctal plugs and punctal cautery.
Punctal plugs are the more common type of punctal occlusion.
Punctal plugs close up a couple of a person’s four puncta, so tears do not escape as quickly. Collagen punctal plugs eventually dissolve on their own and are usually used before silicone plugs are placed. By testing with collagen plugs first, ophthalmologists can make sure that the plugs will help solve the person’s dry eye problems before they try more evasive methods.
The other main method of punctal occlusion involves an ophthalmologist surgically and permanently cauterizing a person’s tear ducts closed. This is a permanent solution that, while more invasive than punctal plugs, ensures that people who are effectively helped by punctal occlusion have their dry eye problems solved once and for all in a single treatment.
The BlephEx™ procedure is a professional eyelid cleaning technique that addresses conditions like blepharitis and dry eye syndrome. Here’s how it works:
Targeted Cleansing: The procedure focuses on thoroughly cleansing the eyelids, explicitly targeting the base of the eyelashes and the tear glands. These areas tend to accumulate bacteria, biofilm, and debris.
Spinning Micro-Sponge: Your eye care professional uses a specialized handheld device with a spinning micro-sponge tip. This tip gently exfoliates the eyelid margins, effectively removing excess bacteria, biofilm, and debris.
Benefits of BlephEx™:
Eyelid Hygiene: BlephEx removes sources of irritation, promoting long-term eye health and helping prevent conditions like blepharitis.
Symptom Relief: It provides relief from symptoms associated with eyelid inflammation.
Cost-Effective: The procedure is well-tolerated and only takes a few minutes, potentially saving patients money on prescription drops and artificial tears.